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I have been creating my healing products for many years.
I am a Nutritional Consultant helping people at all levels of life.

I love to work with Herbals & Essential oils.

I am well versed on all my products , so if you have any question please feel free to email me.

The History or Story Behind My Site
I started on my road to health, after being on deaths doorway ! I developed a deep interest in the healing powers of herbs.
All my products are created in love, always invoking mother nature's blessings


I don't know what I would do if I did not have your Herbal Salve in my kitchen, I am always burning myself.
As long as I use the salve it heals quickly and I have no scars.

Thanks for you wonderful products :

Wenda Pfeifer
St Albert Alberta

I have been using your Herbal Salve for 10 years. I use it for cuts, burns, and many other injuries.
It works! I also use your Arthritis Salve for any sore muscles I develope.
The Arthritis Salve texture is great for massaging and relieves sore muscles at the same time.

Thanks for your great products!

R. W. C. Langley, B C

P.S. I like the fact that you work with the Earth in creating your products.

I work in construction everyday and my hands get very dry. I have tried other creams, but your
Rich Rose Cream is the only one that relieves the dry skin.

PS My wife wants me to mention the wonderful fragrance, but all I care is that it works!
Thanks for your wonderful products.

Philip Siemens Shawnigan Lake, BC

I am a Psychic Healer & I use your Crystal Mist Spray to cleanse my home every day.
It's also great for cleansing auras. I look forward to trying your new products.

Thanks Chaye Dansbourie Vanvouver, BC

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Love" "Light" Peace" To All