Nature's Pearl Herbals & Aromatherapy
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Rich Rose Cream :
Contains : Grapeseed Oil , Natural Beeswax, Rosehip Oil, Lanolin, Zinc Oxide, Rose Oil & Rose Geranium essential oil.

This is a very healing & moisturizing cream
for those with dry skin :

Mechanics, Bricklayers, Gardeners, & Those who work with Chemicals will enjoy this cream. :

70 g

Please Email me about
Your Preferred Payment..

$ 14.00 Plus Frieght.

Herbal Salve Contains :

Calendula, Comfrey, Plantain, Olive Oil, Natural Beeswax, Vitamin E & Lavender Essential Oils.

Great for : Cuts, Burns, Insect Bites, Stings, Cold Sores, Acne, Skin Rashes, & Irritations :


$ 10.00 Plus Frieght

Arthritis Salve :

Contains : Devil's Claw, St John's Wort, Arnica, Olive Oil, Natural Beeswax, Vitamin E, & Lavender Essential Oils. Comes in two sizes 80 ml & 40 ml.

40 ml $ 10.00 Plus Frieght

80ml : $ 18.00 Plus Frieght

Great For : Arhtritic Pains, Sports Injuries, and Overworked Muscles.

Very good for massaging, great texture, and
heals at the same time.

Cyrstal Mist * Stress

Contains : Rose Quartz Water, & Pure Essential Oils Including Neroli & Myrrh.

100 ml
Promotes : Calmness & Clarity Of Emotions, Harmony of the Mind, The Quality of Universal Love.

$ 14.00 Plus Frieght.

The Natural Family Of Products :
" Invoking the Blessings of Nature"

* Any dark flecks found in the salves or cream are natural occurring propolis in the unrefined beeswax.
* For infrequent use, store in refrigerator.

* A lot of Care and Love goes into the making of these products, & the feedback you have sent me is marvelous. I will endeaver always to bring you

"Quality" Products made from the pureness of Nature

Thanks, Pearl

Please Email me if you have any questions?

Please Email Me :

With your order and prefered method of payment.

At this time I can only take Cash , Money Order, or Check. Thanks for your business and come again.
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"Love" "Light" "Peace" To All